Mockingjay will be on shelves August 24, 2010.
Speaking of things that make me very, very excited, Betsy Bird of A Fuse #8 Production has begun posting her countdown of the Top 100 Children's Novels, as decided by people (bloggers, teachers, librarians, kids, etc.) who responded to her poll. She's doing a lovely job of discussing each title, providing commentary, links, and multiple cover images. It's a tremendous amount of work she's putting into this project and I'm grateful because her posts are brightening these dreary February days.
Sarah of The Reading Zone shares 100 Books for 100 Days, the list of their top 100 books that her sixth grade classes came up with. Definitely a great list of books, worth checking out.
If you, like me, are a librarian starting to plan your Summer Reading Club using the collaborative theme of Make a Splash, you'll find Elisabeth's post at YS Princess's Ideas, Resources, and Reviews useful. She's posting about the programming ideas shared at the Florida Library Youth Program Workshop. Many of these ideas may be available in the Make a Splash manual, but it's a handy post if you didn't get the manual or, ahem, may have misplaced it. If nothing else, these great ideas may inspire you (and me) to get a move on with planning!
Debbie Reese at American Indians in Children's Literature pointed me to this NY Times Op-Ed piece, Sucking the Quileute Dry, about how the Twilight franchise is ridiculously unfair to the Quileute tribe. Whether you love Twilight or love to hate it, this is definitely a piece worth reading.

And don't forget to listen to and post about audiobooks this month! Our first AudioSynced round-up will be March 1, just 2.5 weeks away, at Stacked.
Oh, and allow me to toot my own horn a little bit more and point you to my post on Celebrating Black History Month at the ALSC Blog. This was my first post over there, but I'll be posting monthly from now on.
And that's all I've got from Around the Interwebs this week. What have you been surfing this week?