ETA (11:05AM): Wow! We're getting a lot of great posts this week. I'm finding great books to add to my TBR list... keep 'em coming!
BookMoot's starting us off today with a review of Winter's Tail: How One Little Dolphin Learned to Swim Again by Juliana Hatkoff, Isabella Hatkoff, and Craig Hatkoff.
Sarah at In Need of Chocolate posts about The Usborne Encyclopedia of World History, a book she'll be using for her homeschooling.
Liz at A Chair, A Fireplace, & a Tea Cozy is getting all Novembery on us with a review of Mayflower 1620: A New Look at a Pilgrim Voyage by Plimoth Plantation with Peter Arenstraw, John Kemp and Catherine O'Neill Grace; photographs by Sisse Brimberg and Cotton Coulson.
Betsy at A Fuse #8 Production has a review of I and I, Bob Marley by Tony Medina.
Head over to Playing By the Book and check out their cool family tree project as well as a review of My First Family Tree Book by Catherine Bruzzone, illustrated by Caroline Church.
Oh, yeah. And I posted about Just the Right Size: Why Big Animals Are Big and Little Animals Are Little by Nicola Davies, illustrated by Neal Layton. Which happens to be one of my favorite nonfiction books of the year, so don't miss it!
Charlotte's got a review of Children's Book of Art by DK over at Charlotte's Library.
Shirley of SimplyScience Blog goes under the sea with A Coral Reef Food Chain: A Who-Eats-What Adventure in the Caribbean Sea by Rebecca Hogue Wojahn & Donald Wojahn.
Over at Wild About Nature, check out a review of Pumpkin Circle by George Levenson, photographs by Schmuel Thaler.
Lori Calabrese chimes in with a review of Louis Sockalexis: Native American Baseball Pioneer by Bill Wise.
Roberta of Wrapped in Foil examines the mysteries of Mold, Mushrooms, and Other Fungi by Steve Parker.
Carol Hinz of Lerner Publishing Group shares a fascinating post about what a nonfiction book editor does. Potential authors and those interested in process take note!
Robin at thebooknosher has posted a review of A Really Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson.
Elnice at Ellz Readz talks about The Great Grammar Book by Marsha Sramek.
Wendie over at Wendie's Wanderings takes a look at Steve Jenkins's Never Smile at a Monkey and 17 Other Important Things to Remember.
Owl in the Library is joining Shirley under the sea with books about seahorses this week. Ahoy!
Picture Book of the Day is remembering the World Series with The Best of Pro Baseball by Matt Doeden.
Freaky reviews several animal books over at 3T News and Reviews.
Doret posts about Marching for Freedom by Elizabeth Partridge over at The Happy Nappy Bookseller.
Jennie's looking at a whole slew of Cybils nonfiction nominees over at Biblio File.
And Ms. Mac of Check It Out joins us with a review of Life-Size Zoo by Teruyuki Komiya.