I've long been on the lookout for cozy picture books that capture the feeling of a winter sunset. You know, the light's all pink and gold, outside is hushed with snow or cold and crisp with the anticipation of snow, and you're cozy inside, bundled up and looking out. Books like that make me feel all hygge and I have finally come up with enough titles to put together a decent book list. Whether you're hunkered down with your own kids at home or putting together the coziest winter storytime known to humankind, these books will fit the bill.
Dusk by Uri Shulevitz (Farrer, Straus, & Giroux, 2013). I love, love, love the way the rich colors in Shulevitz's illustrations mirror the beautiful winter light of dusk in winter. This one has very slight references to winter holidays in the illustrations that depict a city street with Christmas and Hanukkah displays in the windows, but is otherwise secular. If you like this one, you may also want to check out Shulevitz's book Snow, another of my favorites for winter storytimes.
Share Some Kindness, Bring Some Light by Apryl Stott (Simon & Schuster, 2020). Coco and Bear are good friends, but not everyone in the forest believes that a big, giant bear could be kind and gentle. When the two friends set out to spread cheer with gifts, they learn that the best way to share light is to help someone with no expectations in return. Between the dusk settling over the forest and their cozy gift of lanterns, the delicate illustrations in this book definitely give me that hygge feeling and the message of the story will warm the coldest heart.

Snow Falls by Kate Gardner, illustrated by Brandon James Scott (Tundra, 2020). Oh, the skies in this book! With super simple text and the saturated pinks and golds in the illustrations, I knew this was a book for this list the second I opened it. This one would make a great addition to toddler storytimes because the text is so short and simple, but the illustrations give lots of winter activities that you can talk about with older kids, too.
The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats (Viking, 1962). This classic Caldecott-winner is one of my all-time favorite picture books and the beautiful pinks and blues of the snowy pictures are a big reason.

Winter is the Warmest Season by Lauren Stringer (HMH, 2006). This beautiful and creative picture book talks about all the ways that winter can be the warmest season. From enjoying hot cocoa to bundling up in sweaters, there's lots of ways that winter is warm. If you're cozied up inside, this might be perfect reading.