I skipped last week because I was up to my ears in the 48-Hour Book Challenge, but I have received a few books in the mail over the past two weeks...
Stork by Wendy Delsol. Candlewick, October 2010. Debut author alert!
The first (and only, thus far) of my requested-at-BEA books to come in the mail!
Here's the summary from GoodReads:
After her parents' divorce, Katla and her mother move from Los Angeles to Norse Falls, Minnesota, where Kat immediately alienates two boys at her high school and, improbably, discovers a kinship with a mysterious group of elderly women--the Icelandic Stork Society - who "deliver souls."
Sounds very interesting and different and I love the bright cover - very eye-catching.
The Magic Thief: Lost by Sarah Prineas. HarperCollins, May 2009.
And I got the third book in the series, too: The Magic Thief: Found by Sarah Prineas. HarperCollins, May 2010.
Summary from GoodReads (for Lost):
Conn may only be a wizard's apprentice, but even he knows it's dangerous to play with fire . . . especially around magic. His master, Nevery, warns him that it could all blow up in his face. Besides, they have bigger problems to deal with. There is evil afoot in the city of Wellmet, an evil that isn't human.

And I got another great nonfiction book, Project Seahorse by Pamela S. Turner. Houghton Mifflin, August 2010. I love the Scientists in the Field series, so I'm very excited about this one!
Summary from Goodreads:
In Project Seahorse, Pamela S. Turner explores how committed conservationists, community organizers, and caring neighbors are working together to restore the luster of a damaged coral reef. Scott Tuason's brilliant photography will give you a fish's-eye view of Amanda and Heather's seahorse research and allow you to swim along on a midnight fishing trip with Digoy. Most important of all, you'll learn what's being done--and what you can do--to help the seahorse.
And there you have my mailbox this week! Did anything good come in your mailbox?