If you're not headed to the conference (sad!), here are some things to occupy your time:
Run, do not walk, over to 100 Scope Notes and check out his hilarious Things Librarians Fancy. That kid cracks me up.
Did you love Leviathan? Larklight? Airborn? Then you, my friend, are a fan of steam punk. This isn't strictly kidlit related, but check out Cake Wrecks's collection of sweet steam punk cakes.
The nonfiction authors that blog at INK (Interesting Nonfiction for Kids) have launched a rather interesting database called INK Think Tank. After registering for a free account, you can log in and search a database of nonfiction titles linked to curriculum standards. Might come in handy for teachers and librarians looking to buff up collections in certain areas.
Liz has a couple of posts up at A Chair, A Fireplace, & a Tea Cozy that are perfect for new librarians or people new to the kidlit world. If you're looking for more reviews and discussion about children's and YA literature, you'll want to know which journals to seek out and read and which listservs to join. Excellent compilations, both.
The National Book Award finalists were announced this week and here are the finalists for Young People's Literature:

Charles and Emma: The Darwins' Leap of Faith by Deborah Heiligman
Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice by Philip Hoose
Stitches by David Small
Lips Touch: Three Times by Laini Taylor
Jumped by Rita Williams-Garcia
And on that note, folks, I'm off to put on my librarian cardigan and work the one remaining shift between me and DC! Have a great weekend!
Claudette Colvin: Twice Toward Justice by Philip Hoose
Stitches by David Small
Lips Touch: Three Times by Laini Taylor
Jumped by Rita Williams-Garcia
And on that note, folks, I'm off to put on my librarian cardigan and work the one remaining shift between me and DC! Have a great weekend!