It was blogs like A Fuse #8 Production and bookshelves of doom that made me want to start a blog.
It was community events like MotherReader's 48-Hour Book Challenge and The Cybils that made me want to start a blog. (Seriously, you think I'm kidding but is it any coincidence that I started my blog just after nominations for the second Cybils award ended? It is not.)
And it's YOU that makes me want to keep it up. I know I'm supposed to be posting about the blogs that I love, but I love so many that I'm sure I'd end up leaving someone out. And I'd tell you to check out my blogroll in the sidebar, but I'm afraid I can't guarantee it's up to date.
So, thanks for blogging (if you blog) and thanks for reading regardless. True, I started this blog for the community and to develop my writing skills and to keep a record of my wild, crazy librarian life (hah).
But where would it be without readers?
So, while this is Book Blogger Appreciation Week, I'd also like to declare it Blog Reader Appreciation Week.
Thanks for stopping by today.