Bloomsbury is changing the whitewashed cover of Liar in time for its hardcover release. That is totally awesome. Thanks to Editorial Anonymous for the link.
Remember how much I loved After by Amy Efaw? It's coming out on Tuesday. You want to read it if you like edgy Laurie Halse Anderson (think Speak and Wintergirls) and/or Jodi Picoult (think The Pact and Plain Truth). You also want to check out the website, this video of Amy talking about her inspiration and research, and this book trailer:
In other news, Leila reports on a plagiarism claim against Ms. Stephenie Meyers herself. Sigh. I don't have anything to say about that.
Anna at Y Shush? posts about a great teen program she held at her library - a photo scavenger hunt. It totally makes me want to grab my own camera and join in!
Sarah, the GreenBeanTeenQueen, is totally my source for YA movie news. I found out through her blog that they're remaking Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, one of my favorite Newbery winners.
And speaking of movies, Travis of 100 Scope Notes shares this trailer for The Fantastic Mr. Fox. It looks, well, fantastic. :)
Have you checked out Melissa's list of Top 100 Middle Grade novels? If not, you should.
See that shiny Blog with Integrity badge on your right? Head on over to the site and take the pledge. Thanks to Betsy and Jen for letting me know about it.
And that's all the news I've got for you this time around. Have a great weekend!