So, what have I been up to?
Well, planning my trip to Chicago for ALA, for one. It'll be a whirlwind trip and I'll only be going to the exhibits on Saturday, but Travis isn't the only geek who ordered bloggity business cards. I ordered "free" ones from VistaPrint and was very happy with them. (You get 250 business cards free, but you have to pay for the shipping, which came to about $10.00.) The cards are cute and they arrived very quickly.
If you want one, you're going to have to track me down at ALA. I'm still trying to figure out my Twitter strateg

And I have been reading (albeit very slowly [or so it seems to me]). Last night I finished Eyes Like Stars, which was wonderful. I'll be posting a full review as part of a blog tour in early July, so stay tuned for that. And I'm in the middle of Fire, which is totally awesome.
Annnnd I listened to Nation, which is one of the best audiobooks I've ever listened to. Highly recommended if you have an upcoming car trip or a new, long-ish commute to work.
Summer Reading Club's been going well. We're super busy, of course... And on that note, I think I'd better put my sleepy self to bed. Coming this week: storytime about chickens and an Around the Interwebs post if I can find the energy...!