
Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Day in the Life of a Youth Services* Librarian

Here's what I did on Tuesday!

11:55am - Arrive at work and everything is crazy-go-nuts! Our toddler time has just let out and the department is full of kids. The computers upstairs are down until Thursday because they’re doing construction. A daycare came in to register all their kids for the Summer Reading Club. I touch base with staff and send them all off to lunch while I cover the desk. The dept. settles down after about 15 minutes.

12:10pm - Check email.

12:20pm - Check out DVD for tonight’s Anime Club meeting. Straighten up department.

- Recommend fantasy books for an adult who’s enjoying the Angie Sage books and The Lightning Thief.

1:00pm - Go over to the storage Annex to get candy castle for tomorrow’s Life-Sized Candy Land program.

1:20pm - Put together registration sheets for our fall programs.

1:45pm - Work on weeding videos. (OMG, we have a video called Pound Puppy Tales... I wonder if we have any Poppels videos**...)

3:15pm - Set up Auditorium for tonight’s program and for tomorrow’s Candy Land program.

4:00pm - Lunch time!

5:00pm - Check email.

5:10pm - Get stuff together and finish setting up for Anime Club.

5:45pm - Open doors for Anime Club. Teens are already showing up!

6:00pm-8:00pm - Anime Club! We have 27 teens, which is awesome attendance for us. You can read a little bit about what we did at last month's Anime Club meeting. This month, I provided a couple of laptops for the kids to watch other stuff and we put out some games, too.

8:00pm - Kick out*** the last of the kids and clean up the room.

8:15pm - Look at photos I took at the program. Decide I don't have enough time to put them on Facebook tonight.

8:20pm - Help my closer close up our department for the night (pick up books, turn off computers and lights, etc.).

8:30pm - We close up and I go home!

* Okay, technically my title is Children's Librarian, but my department's getting more involved in the teen programming, so I'm angling to change it to Youth Services (or something along those lines). 
** Sadly/luckily, we do not. ;)
*** You know I do this with love, right?