
Friday, June 3, 2011

48-Hour Book Challenge Starting Line!

It's here, it's here!! The Sixth Annual 48-Hour Book Challenge! I've got my reading food, I've got the whole weekend to dedicate to the challenge and, of course, I've got some books to choose from:

There's no way that I'll get to all these books, but I like to have lots of choices. I've got a selection of e-books on my nook and I fully intend to take advantage of the audiobook clause and listen while I take "reading breaks", do chores, etc.

I'm not going to make any goals for the number of books or pages I'd like to read, but I'd like to dedicate at least 24 hours to reading and I'm hoping to log 30 challenge hours (including time spent blogging and social networking). Last year, I spent 23 hours reading and 5.75 hours blogging & social networking for a total of 28.75 challenge hours and that was with having to go in to work for a few hours for a program, so I think that should be no problem for me this year!

Don't forget to follow and use the #48hbc tag on Twitter!

My time will run from 7pm Friday to 7pm Sunday. Ready? GO!