
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Around the interwebs: video edition

As you well know, it's National Novel Writing Month. My widget has finally started working, so check that out on the right-hand side of my blog (yes, you'll have to click through if you're using a reader). And ALSO check out John Green's video about NaNoWriMo. My favorite quote: "What NaNoWriMo does, for writers young and old, is give us permission to suck." It is so very true.

Jackson Pearce speaks out about language in teen books (specifically, The F-Bomb):

Over at Blue Rose Girls, Meghan McCarthy shares a book trailer for her upcoming non-fiction picture book Pop!: The Invention of Bubble Gum. I know I'm eagerly anticipating this title. Put it on your TBR list, y'all. It's due out in May.

In non-video news, you'll want to tune in over at 100 Scope Notes next week for Travis's Covers Week. He is promising a new Create Your Debut Cover meme and I am ridiculously excited about that since the last one was so much fun.

Exactly where is the line between Middle Grade and YA Fiction? MiG Writers try to answer that question. As a blogger who has served on the Cybils YA Fiction panel (last year) and the Middle Grade Fiction panel (this year), I can tell you that the line is often blurry. Thanks to Confessions of a Bibliovore for the link.

Best of 2009 lists! They are starting to come out of the woodwork. Check out Amazon's Best of 2009 list and PW's Best of 2009 list. Thanks to A Fuse #8 Production for the links.